Mastodon Poll in ActivityPub

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I started running my own ActivityPub instance with Takahē.

I got interested in contributing to the project and one of my first implemented features was the poll support.

While implementing it I noticed that the informations about this topic were scattered throughout multiple places.

So, for me to remember how it works, and maybe to help someone looking for the same information I decided to write this article.

Poll or Question? How ActivityPub handles it?

The first thing we need to know is that ActivityPub does not support Poll as a native type in it’s protocol definition.

The closest type that we get is Question, that is used to represent any kind of question, including open-ended question and that is an important information to have in mind.

Looking in the ActivityPub documentation on how to represent questions we can see right the way how to represent one:

  "@context": "",
  "id": "",
  "type": "Question",
  "content": "What is the answer to life the universe and everything?"

The question above is an open-ended question, but you can have a single-choice question using the oneOf property:

  "@context": "",
  "id": "",
  "type": "Question",
  "content": "What is the answer to life the universe and everything?",
    { "name":"123" },
    { "name":"42" },
    { "name":"666" }

You can also have a multiple-choice question using the anyOf property:

  "@context": "",
  "id": "",
  "type": "Question",
  "content": "Which are your favorite seasons?",
    { "name":"Spring" },
    { "name":"Summer" },
    { "name":"Autumn" },
    { "name":"Winter" }

When you don’t want to receive any more answer you can indicate it by closing your question with the closed property indicating the DateTime of when it was closed:

  "@context": "",
  "id": "",
  "type": "Question",
  "content": "Fast before it's too late, who wants a slice of cake?",
  "closed": "2023-01-01T00:00:00Z"

Those are the base properties of an ActivityPub question. Further down this article we’ll be able to see what Mastodon adds to it.

Answering to a Question

The answer to a question in ActivityPub is a bit vague. It doesn’t have an specific type, but rather required properties:

 "@context": "",
 "attributedTo": "",
 "inReplyTo": "",
 "name": "42"

The property attributedTo indicates who is answering to the question, while the property inReplyTo points to the URI of the question you are answering to.

Although it’s not mentioned in the documentation we can infer that the name property is the answer to the question and in questions where we have choices to select, the answer text must match one of the given choices.

Now that we know what ActivityPub has to say about it, we need to take a look on how Mastodon decided to implement it.

The poll in Mastodon

Mastodon offers some endpoints to deal with polls:

  • GET /api/v1/polls/:id HTTP/1.1 to retrieve a poll (docs)
  • POST /api/v1/polls/:id/votes HTTP/1.1 to vote on a poll (docs)
  • POST /api/v1/statuses HTTP/1.1 to create a poll through the status API (docs)
  • GET /api/v1/statuses/:id HTTP/1.1 to retrieve a poll through the status API (docs)
  • DELETE /api/v1/statuses/:id HTTP/1.1 to delete a poll through the status API (docs)

At the moment I’m writing this article an entity that represents a poll in Mastodon looks like this:

  "id": "12345",
  "expires_at": "2023-01-01T23:04:45.000Z",
  "expired": true,
  "multiple": false,
  "votes_count": 10,
  "voters_count": null,
  "options": [
    {"title": "Option 1", "votes_count": 6},
    {"title": "Option 2", "votes_count": 4},
  "emojis": [],
  "voted": false,
  "own_votes": [],

The actual text asking the question to be answered by the poll is located at the content field of the status the same way a common post should be.

You can check the poll entity documentation to know more about it.

Mastodon Poll in ActivityPub

Going back to ActivityPub, the Mastodon poll indeed uses type Question provided by ActivityPub, but it also adds some other fields to be able to properly represent the object that we get in Mastodon API.

The toot Mastodon extension is also used to add the votersCount property.

  "content":"<p>What is your favorite starter pokemon?</p>",

The endTime is used to add an expiration time counter to he poll while the closed will be present only when the poll was closed. Both, when filled should have the same value.

The Mastodon extension of votersCount was an addition that is useful in the multiple-choice case, where the sum of votes can be different of the number of participants in the poll.

It also made an adaptation to the choices in order to keep track of the number of votes per choice:


The choices got transformed into objects of Note type that inherit all properties of Object so it was possible to use the replies property to store the total of votes a choice got.

Mastodon vote in ActivityPub

To cast a vote in a poll, Mastodon uses the flow indicated in ActivityPub, but with a small difference:


The type of the created object is Note to match the type of the options.

Looking to a discussion in ActivityPub forum about Mastodon implementation of a vote we have a summary about the object’s fields:

id: ...
type: Note
name: <the exact text of the poll option>
inreplyTo: <the status that holds the poll>
attributedTo: <you>
to: <the poll creator>

This confirms the that Mastodon decided to go with our inference about the name property.

When dealing with multiple-choice polls, Mastodon didn’t changed anything in the object format, instead they just send more than one Create message from the same sender targeting the same poll, but with an answer to another choice.

So at the end, to be sure that the message you got is an answer to a poll and not a regular post or reply you need to check some things:

  • The target to the inReplyTo property must be a Question
  • The type of the object is Note but with no content property
  • The answer is located in the name property


Operations around the ActivityPub Question type are not super clear, and Mastodon docs also don’t fill all the blanks in it, but I hope with those info you can know a bit more about how things work behind the scenes 🙂